I am super behind on my blogging (so far only 3 entries in the entire month of June, which is rapidly coming to a close!). I have a queue of entries in mind, including and especially ones about our recent 3-day weekend up in Mendocino to celebrate our wedding anniversary (Evelyn's first overnight trip) and the summer solstice baby blessing at Catherine's. I'll have to play catch-up when I have a "free moment" from work.
But before time and memory slip away too much, I feel the need to chronicle a few recent Evelyn developments. Evelyn is getting to be more and more like a kid every day. It's hard to believe that she's already 10 months old (as of June 23!).
At 10 months of age, I think the world of mobility is really starting to open up for her. Evelyn continues to insist on walking a lot, hanging onto our hands or carefully cruising along the furniture, and every once in a while tries to let one hand go to see how she fares. (Still not too well.) A couple of times, she has let go completely and hovered for a couple of cliffhanging seconds before grabbing hold again or falling. She pulls herself up alarmingly easily, sometimes with surprisingly little to hold onto as she stands up (for example, a pane of glass, my pants).

Sometimes when I'm at the sink washing dishes after breakfast, and John's playing with Evelyn before Po Po arrives, I hear Evelyn padding into the kitchen with her commando crawl and eventually I feel the tug of her little hands on the back of my pajama pants. It still makes me nervous, standing there with hands full of soapy dishes while she precariously grips what is a very unstable anchor and makes her way up to standing. Usually, she uses her head as an additional anchor point, lodging it against my thighs (or hamstrings, as the case may be) -- she's tall! (and admittedly, I am short :) -- to gain additional support while she straightens out her legs. But then she's up, and I turn to look down at her round little moon face beaming up at me, pleased as can be. These are among my favorite moments lately.

Evelyn's commando crawl is evolving. We started letting her roam naked in the house on warm days, and noticed that she crawls differently with no clothes on. She gets up on her knees a lot more, and does this crazy crab crawl: hands and right knee on the floor and left foot walking forward. It is both hilarious and bizarre, but I think she finds the elevation and speed refreshing. Nowadays, even when fully clothed, she tends to crawl on her knees more than with her legs splayed out behind her. The quintessential baby crawl - it's a throwback to the classics.
Ahhh, at last a new Evelyn blog... :) Those "free moments" are hard to squeeze in sometimes - and harder to find. By-the-by, Happy Anniversary to you and John.
... and in my head, I can "hear" her scurrying about. One of the great sound memories that seems to be coming my way.
Oh, Happy Days!!
I can just picture that happy face looking up at you while you stand at the sink. She is growing so fast...
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