Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cruisin' for a bruisin'

Suddenly, all Evelyn wants to do is stand and walk around the house (assisted by an increasingly sore-backed Mama (or Grandma, as the case may be)). Nowadays I just provide slight support with my fingers, whereas I think it was just 1 week ago that she needed a whole lot more support from me. It really is true what they say, that once they start crawling, their development really accelerates. I don't think it's coincidence either that just this past weekend, at my 30th birthday party (pictures still pending!), Evelyn watched Milo and Chloe running around and very clearly wanted to join them. Before, standing and walking took a distant second to commando crawling, but suddenly it's of the utmost importance.

And as the saying goes... the bigger the baby, the harder they fall...

(John thinks I should have taped more of the aftermath of the fall, but what kind of mother continues taping instead of comforting her child?!)

Later that same afternoon, Evelyn was standing in the living room, holding onto the couch, when all of a sudden, she let both hands go and took a step away. It all happened so quickly, and I was even sitting nearby watching, but I was just a split second too late. Luckily she somehow pivoted on her legs right before she fell, so she ended up flat on her back instead of face planting into the rug. Nevertheless, her screams were unbridled and heartwrenching.

I know that these experiences are ultimately good for her, as she learns about balance and the basic laws of gravity. But still, I think watching her learn how to walk is going to shave at least a few months off my life. Already, though, she is learning, and after that fall, she's been a lot more careful about hanging on and keeping her balance. It does make me smile, imagining that she was so sure of herself that she could just let go and start walking. I'm trying very very hard not to hover and protect her too much, and diminish the confidence and spirit behind these herculean efforts.

Yesterday, she officially "cruised" for the first time I think. She inched over from one ottoman to the other (adjacent) one in a tiny little coordinated movement of her hands and feet. Today, she took a couple more tiny steps along the coffee table.... Tomorrow, she's going to rule the playground.


John said...

"what kind of mother continues taping instead of comforting her child?!"

A father?

Paula P. said...

She looks so tall...and dare I say lean!?! I just can't believe she will be running around in no time. BTW...I love the sound of your mom talking in the background of that clip...I have grandma envy.

jennifer said...

Excellent, pretty soon she'll be kicking ye both in the shins!

grammy said...

... she'll be riding that trike sooner than you think! I agree, she looks so tall... and quite an armful!

Bert said...

Fathers only stop filming when there is blood