Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who's that girl?

What I lack in quality entries, I make up in quantity. Here's another pseudo blog entry. This video was taken just today of Evelyn discovering herself in the mirror. It's jam-packed with lots of Evelynisms - it's like condensing the entire Evelyn experience into a minute or so. Well, almost.


Paula P. said...

My goodness...she is a regular little girl! I swear she was taking steps without holding on...which really means she is walking. She looks so tall (and cute)! Can't wait to see you soon...and we need some details on the Birthday celebration!

Mike said...

Love that running commentary.

Hai-Nhu said...

Hey, it's called language development. Have you heard of it? :)

grammy said...

So cute... I've watched these videos so many times and just chuckle. She has grown so much and looks so adorable.