Monday, August 6, 2007

Movin' on up

Evelyn's on the cusp of learning to walk I think! As John says, she's been working on it for a while now, with all of her cruising along furniture and holding onto our hands while she walks... and walks... and walks... We borrowed this walking toy thing from John's coworker, which is totally hilarious because it's so old (or the batteries are so run down) that the music sounds really creepy.

Evelyn sure seems to like the music though. I took this video early one chilly morning (the girl still wakes us up at almost exactly 6am every day!).

Yesterday, as witnessed by myself, John, and Mike, Evelyn crouched into a squat to grab some wooden blocks, got a couple in her hands, and straightened herself into a standing position all without holding on to anything! She stood there for what seemed like forever (OK, maybe 5 seconds, which is forever for her), then she took the tiniest step forward! Unfortunately, no one but me saw that because at that point, I had my arms hovering around her on all sides to protect her from falling into the surrounding furniture or the hard, sharp-cornered box of blocks. Oh boy, we are really in for it now...


Unknown said...

love the videos! caught a glimpse of Jennifer.
Hai-Nhu, so good to hear your voice.
back to work! LOVE TO ALL!

Paula P. said...

Oh man is that cute...full speed ahead!