Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way home from a playdate...

Today, Evelyn decided she didn't need to nap. At all. She probably sensed that I had plans for a playdate in the afternoon and initiated her standard plan-thwarting algorithms.

So I logged off work around 3pm and off we went to Sonia and Greyson's place (who are now just blocks away!), flying in the face of danger. Ironically, Greyson was taking a marathon nap almost the entire time we were there, but Evelyn had a great time exploring and creating chaos everywhere she went while Sonia and I chatted. She was slightly loopy here and there, but not too bad considering she hadn't napped all day long.

We got home around 5:45pm and while I was heating up her dinner on the stove, I sat with her in my lap on the kitchen stool, listening to the iPod (which, as you may remember from a previous posting, seems to be a very soporific setting for her, so I shouldn't have been surprised at what happened next...).

She fell asleep! And I'm talking dead-to-the-world, mark-up-her-face-with-a-Sharpie-and-take-compromising-pictures-of-her asleep.

And take pictures I did! What can I say, I'm opportunistic. Well, what I was really trying to do was wake her up so she could eat some dinner before going to bed. The pictures are an added bonus.

First I tried putting her in her high chair, which didn't quite work as I thought it would.

Then I tried changing her diaper and getting her into her PJs, half hoping that she might wake, and half resigned to the fact that I should just put her in bed.

(Incidentally, check out her eczema-free legs -- woo hoo!)

Needless to say, she's in her crib now, having eaten a good lunch around 1pm, some fruit at Sonia's, and that's it! We'll see what the night brings...


sonia said...

Ok truly, no kidding, I laughed I cried when I read this entry! The photos take the cake! What a documentary. I wish Greyson would sleep like this!

Paula P. said...

Oh my word....those pictures of her in the high chair are unbelievable. Crazy girl.

jennifer said...

"mark-up-her-face-with-a-Sharpie-and-take-compromising-pictures-of-her asleep"
I'll know now if I see some tribal markings on her face... You know you wont be able to help yourself Trantula!!!

Unknown said...

Evelyn must stop growing!!!! where do our babies go! my little great nieces and nephews are now 14, 8, 4 and 3...bummer no more babies and I don't think we will have any new ones on the way. BIG HI to everyone! miss all of you.

Hai-Nhu said...

I know! It's a little embarrassing how far her legs dangle off the changing table! Well there's no point in getting a new one now :)

grammy said...

What a bundle!! And, oh, so tired! I'll bet she never did wake up for her supper...

Hai-Nhu said...

You're right, Grammy, she didn't wake for her supper. She did wake up, though, at 4:30am!!! (which actually is pretty good -- she basically slept 10 hours on a half empty stomach). Desperate for sleep, we brought her in bed and she tossed around/played/laughed for about 1.5 hours, then finally fell asleep around 6am. Unfortunately, I was having trouble sleeping, so I'd only fallen asleep around midnight.. then I had to get up early (before she did!) to get to work in time for a meeting (that ended up getting cancelled)! Sigh.