Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! This evening, John and I are taking Evelyn to her very first Halloween party with some moms and babies from my mom's group. I wasn't sure about going because of a big work deadline I have today, but it's looking like I'll be able to make it. Unfortunately, this means that we are pulling together a very last minute costume for Evelyn and I can't even hope that I will have a costume for myself in time for the party. John, naturally, doesn't care about having a costume for himself.

As I was trying to get the old creative juices flowing, I racked my brain for inspired costumes past and remembered this classic number from 2005. Our dear Mike (now so far away pursuing an MFA in Germany... boo hoo...) hosted a Halloweeen party in his apartment above the mortuary. And I mean really, how could you NOT have a Halloween party if you live above a mortuary? Anyway, I went as a Swedish meatball (get it?) -- meatball entirely constructed by Mike and me out of chicken wire, lots of masking tape, and a sloppy paint job -- and Mike went as Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator with suprisingly good rhythm. Good times.


Andie East said...

That is, hands down, the best thing to happen to me all day. Hilarious.

Gina Barnard said...

How clever-- Swedish meatball-- you look cute! And I knew right away that was Kim Jong Il! Hope you have fun tonight with Evelyn!

Mike said...

Yeah, that Swedish meatball was the bane of my existence for those few days before Halloween (I'm talking about the costume, not Hai Nhu.) Never mind the fact that it sat at my place for at least a year after the party. Yup, good times.

Paula P. said...

Now that's a spicy meatball...