It's official - our girl has 4 teeth now! 2 lower, 2 upper. As if she could get any cuter. They've come in pairs so far -- the first 2 bottom teeth within weeks of each other when she was 7 months old, and the first 2 upper teeth at 10 months. Both times, it was right tooth first, then left.
Her first upper tooth emerged the very day she turned 10 months old (June 23), while we were in Mendocino for a long weekend. With her first 3 teeth, we had exactly 1 night of bad sleep (preceded by periods of general, otherwise unexplained crabbiness during the day) that coincided with the tooth emerging from the gum. Unfortunately, that one night for tooth #3 was in the small, one-room cabin in Mendocino. Three hours of no sleep... in desperation I even brought her to bed with us, but she took that to mean that it was really time to play! (Picture full on baby gymnastics: spastic, thrashing limbs; climbing up to standing with the headboard and batting the artwork on the walls.)
That was immediately followed by a heretofore unusually long period of general crabbiness -- Crabtree and Evelyn, as we like to call her during these times -- so we were sure that another tooth must be coming. Her upper gum area has been like the Iron Curtain, as John observed, because she won't let us near it to check on her teething progress. I was able to glimpse her gums during a few bouts of crying, and could see some whiteness beneath the gum next to her first upper tooth. More crabbiness, more waiting. Finally, last night, while putting her down for the night, I felt the new tooth. And by the feel of it, it's been out for at least a few days now. That explains why her mood and sleep habits have improved lately.
Evelyn used to be so cute with her gummy toothless smile. Then she got those little tic tacs in her bottom gums, and she was just too cute for words. Now she's going to have 4 teeth?! She (or I) might actually explode from cuteness overload.
3 comments: are seriously blogging up a storm! So nice...
Four teeth huh? I feel like Rhea is ready to sprout another (funny I have never seen a toothless smile on my girl since she came out already sporting that bottom tooth!) She is also highly protective of her gums so it's hard to tell..I'm just going on behavior and difficulty sleeping. Poor little thing. But I agree...Evelyn's cute real estate just got a bit richer (who knew that was even possible)
Yeah, when I should be working up a storm! Speaking of which... better get back to it :)
Teeth, hmmmm, you know, I can remember being a very little girl playing with a friend - and for no particular reason that I can remember - bit her in the arm - chomped down on that arm and bit as hard as I could. It was so exciting!! She screamed :) (almost bit thru), I got punished :) and I never bit anyone again. But isn't it crazy that I still vividly remember biting her and the feeling of biting as hard as I possibly could. Didn't play with her any more after that, but have met her thru the years and she still remembers, too! hahaha! She 'must' have done something to deserve it... And I was such a nice little girl... hahaha! Cripes, I'm still getting enjoyment out of that memory after 65 years... maybe I just didn't like her?
Yahoo, Evelyn, keep popping them out!
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