Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorable Day

We just had a wonderfully relaxing and fun-filled Memorial Day weekend! We're really getting the hang of this baby thing, I think. This past weekend in particular was just the perfect balance of relaxing downtime and fun running around time. Evelyn's sleeping is back on track, and she's sleeping solidly during naps and at nighttime again. We even kept her up a couple of hours after her normal bedtime 2 nights in a row this past weekend, and she was totally fine. In fact, during one of those nights, I put her down in her crib and as I prepared to leave the room, she sat right up, grabbed the side of the crib, and pulled herself to standing in one fell swoop! She was very pleased with herself, and got to stay up even later while John lowered her mattress to the lowest setting possible.

Memorial Day in particular was just the perfect day. Evelyn had a long nap in the morning, during which John napped and I tried unsuccessfully to nap. Then, we walked to West Portal and met up with Auntie Jennifer and Uncie Mike at Peet's... Mike, in addition to lauching his new Web site (www.mikesyoung.com - check out Puddin's portrait!), showed off his new motorcycle. Both in the name of art. (To explain - Mike plans on riding around the German countryside for the next couple of years while getting an MFA.) I think John's getting the motorcycle bug again, and we can see Mike's bad influence on both John and Evelyn already.
Joe and Heidi had us over for a delicious BBQ that afternoon, complete with grilled artichokes and corn, among other tasty treats. We'd been pretty conservative with introducing lots of different kinds of solid foods to Evelyn, partially out of not having the time to make lots of different foods for her to try, and partially out of fear of giving her something that will exacerbate her eczema. That day, though, we let it all hang out and it was liberating to see how easy this whole food thing can be. She chowed down on artichoke hearts and gnawed on the leaves, and loved corn on the cob. I'm glad to know she likes artichoke, since she literally gags at the taste of avocados and even at the mere sight of peas! At least I know she likes some green food...


Mike said...

Concerning the website plug -- Thanks!

Concerning the motorcycle -- Muhuhahahahaha.....

John said...

I see a motorcycle with a side car in our future... or a tricycle with a trailer perhaps?