So I logged off work around 3pm and off we went to Sonia and Greyson's place (who are now just blocks away!), flying in the face of danger. Ironically, Greyson was taking a marathon nap almost the entire time we were there, but Evelyn had a great time exploring and creating chaos everywhere she went while Sonia and I chatted. She was slightly loopy here and there, but not too bad considering she hadn't napped all day long.
We got home around 5:45pm and while I was heating up her dinner on the stove, I sat with her in my lap on the kitchen stool, listening to the iPod (which, as you may remember from a previous posting, seems to be a very soporific setting for her, so I shouldn't have been surprised at what happened next...).
She fell asleep! And I'm talking dead-to-the-world, mark-up-her-face-with-a-Sharpie-and-take-compromising-pictures-of-her asleep.
And take pictures I did! What can I say, I'm opportunistic. Well, what I was really trying to do was wake her up so she could eat some dinner before going to bed. The pictures are an added bonus.
First I tried putting her in her high chair, which didn't quite work as I thought it would.
Then I tried changing her diaper and getting her into her PJs, half hoping that she might wake, and half resigned to the fact that I should just put her in bed.
(Incidentally, check out her eczema-free legs -- woo hoo!)
Needless to say, she's in her crib now, having eaten a good lunch around 1pm, some fruit at Sonia's, and that's it! We'll see what the night brings...