So much to catch up on in this blog. As with parenting, I guess I will have to take baby steps and not get too overwhelmed.
Quite a lot has happened between the last entry and now, including but not limited to the entire Christmas holiday season! I'm going to have to fast forward through all that or else I'll never blog again. So, in the tradition of Seinfeld: "We had a great Christmas last year, enjoyed staying home for once, Evelyn got potty trained, my mom broke her ankle, yada yada yada, now Evelyn's in daycare and speaking in sentences."
(My mom is fine, but will be laid up til at least April, at which point we need to decide what to do with Evelyn. She loves daycare so much, she asks to go on the weekends!).
Anyway, in the store, Evelyn heads straight to the babies, grabs one for herself and plops her in the nearby stroller. She grabs the other one and shoves it over to me, insisting that I hold the baby as we "shop" around the store. Evelyn pushes the stroller around, picking up odds and ends that she says she's buying for baby. Weaving through the aisles yesterday, she suddenly and loudly declares, "I need go poo poo. I need find a potty." As others turn to look at her, I imagine they are thinking the same thing I'm thinking: How cute. Naturally.
After some back and forth where we find the disgusting and unusable bathroom in Rite Aid, she forgets about the potty and goes back to play with the babies, and then remembers and we head into Starbucks, she finally goes and I am just so amazed. I love that fact that she's out of diapers!!! (except at night of course). I cannot stress this enough. No more poopy diapers. NO MORE POOPY DIAPERS!
Back at home, Evelyn's Papa comes home from work and gives me a hug and a kiss. Evelyn drops what she's doing, rushes over and removes John's hand, yelling "No, that's MY Mama!" How cute.