3. When she sees planes or helicopters in the sky, she exclaims "Airplane!" or "Helicopter!" and then pinches her fingers together repeatedly, asking "Hold it?" She also loves pointing out motorcycles and if she sees 2 people on a motorcycle, she'll say "Two mamas motorcycle" or "Two papas motorcyle."
Speaking of which, she basically categorizes all people with the following labels:
- Baby (babies)
- Goh Goh (big brother in Chinese, for the little boys)
- Jeh Jeh (big sister in Chinese, for the little girls)
- Mama (women)
- Papa (men)
- Po Po (older women)
- Gong Gong (older men)
2. When she wants you to get something, she'll say "Mama (Papa), I'll go get it?" (because we say "I'll get it") and when she wants help, she'll say "Mama (Papa), help you?"
One morning, she noticed a parenting book in my nightstand that miraculously reappeared. It's one of those how-to parenting books with lots of pictures of babies, mamas, and papas (her favorite kinds of pictures) and it's thick and heavy and not something you want to leaf through first thing in the morning in bed while she excitedly points at pictures saying "What's that?" or "What's Mama doing" or "What's baby doing?" or "What happened?" and you try to come up with interesting responses to each repetitive question. I keep forgetting to put the book back on the shelf, so one morning I stuck it under the bed before she noticed it again. Days later, John vacuumed and put it back on the nightstand. So the next morning, Evelyn woke up with us (she tends to join us in bed the wee early hours of the morning and finishes sleeping with us these days). She saw the book and exclaimed "Oh baby book! I found it!!" followed by an immediate "Mama, I'll get it?" Groan. I mumbled "No, Evelyn go get it, you're closer." She looked at it again, turned to me and said "Too far away. Mama, I'll get it?"
1. She blames every bump, bruise, and cut on her body on somersaults. If you notice a bruise on her leg, ask her how it happened, and she'll invariably say "Somersault." Sometimes, she'll elaborate and say "Somersault. Bump head." And frankly, I'm not even seeing her do that many somersaults these days.