We joke that Evelyn is a Little John, but really, she's my Mini-Me -- she goes everywhere I go.
Evelyn was never really cuddly until she was about maybe 11 months old. Right around the time she started sucking her thumb, she started to have these long marathon cuddling sessions with me. I'd come home from work and she'd just settle in on my lap and lean against me, completely still but for the thumbsucking, for a very long time.
Now she's 15 months old, and the love affair (singular obsession) continues. And it's not just limited to the time after I get home. It's basically limited only to her waking hours and when I'm not in the bathroom or brushing my teeth or eating. But come to think of it, she's usually hovering, if not clambering, nearby during those times too.
When she forgets that I'm around, or somehow has had her fill of me, she's content playing and interacting with other people... that is, until I carelessly come back into view!
While I absolutely love being her favorite person in the world, sometimes I feel like we're in that episode of The Family Guy, and I'm the mom and Evelyn is Stewie:
Of course, I exaggerate just a bit here. It's not quite that bad, and most of the time it doesn't bother me one bit. She's been letting go a lot more during parties and gatherings, and wandering around and playing without me. And yet somehow she's probably the cuddliest and most Mama-crazy that she's ever been. But I'm not complaining -- I'll enjoy it while it lasts!